What is Biological Dentistry?, – Biological dentistry relates to removing major obstacles to healthy living and hasten recovery from chronic illness. It stresses the relationship of oral health to total wellness because of the interconnection of the teeth to body organ. This fact was made known when it was established that the teeth and body organs share the same pathway (meridians). A trained biological dentists focuses on the use of safe or the least toxic restorative materials for dental works and is alert on the unrecognized impact of dental toxins and the hidden infections as a health hazard to unsuspecting patients.
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5 Dental Contribution to Illnesses
1. Temporo-Mandibular Disorder (TMD) (Misaligned jaw / bad bite)
• Refer to a collection of medical and dental conditions affecting the TMJ and/or the muscles of mastication, as well as its contiguous tissue components.
2. Bio-Incompatibility (allergy) to dental restoration materials
• Toxicity from dental restoration & other materials
(ex.: Mercury fillings (Amalgam), Fluoride)
3. Electrogalvanization
4. Dissimilar metals produces high dental currents that lead to galvanic corrosion of the restoration materials. (ex.: gold, silver, cobalt, chromium)
5. Dental Interference Field
• Unerupted teeth
• Wisdom teeth (impacted or not)
• Root canal filled teeth
• Bone cavities
• Cysts
• Non-vital/non-root canal filled teeth
• Granulomas
• Areas of bone condensation due to healed or unhealed osteitis

What is Amalgam filling?
Amalgam filling is also known as mercury or silver filling which is commonly used to restore posterior (back) teeth due to its strength, least time consuming on the manipulation and least costly. It is also called mercury filling because 50% of its composition is mercury, 30% silver, and others are tin, zinc and copper. Mercury is a toxic substance that is poisonous to the nervous system. It is more toxic than lead, arsenic and cadmium. The safe level of mercury exposure to human being is zero. About 440 medical symptoms responded upon amalgam removal to completely eliminate stored mercury in the body. The patient’s immune system is evaluated in preparation to amalgam removal. Immune system buildup at least 1 to 2 weeks is undertaken to prepare the patient to a greater risk of unexpected bodily reaction of an abrupt heavy metal removal. Preparation consists of vitamins and minerals supplement intake, nutritional counseling and lifestyle modifications.

Protocols for amalgam removal
- Using high vac-suction machine.
- Isolation of the tooth with amalgam by rubber dam.
- Copious amounts of water application.
- Utilizing mercury vapor ionizer.
- Air room ionizer to prevent mercury vapor spread and inhalation.
- Follow sequential schedule amalgam removal according to 7, 14, 21 days protocol.
- Nasal oxygen administration.
- Conscious sedation preferably to anxious patients with multiple amalgam fillings.
Mercury Toxicity
Effects of Mercury Toxicity
- Psychological Disturbances – Irritability, nervousness, shyness or timidity, loss of Memory, lack of attention, loss of self-confidence, lack of self-control, fits of anger, decline of intellect anxiety.
- Oral Cavity Disorders – Gingivitis, stomatitis, foul breath, metallic taste, bleeding gums, alveolar bone loss, loosening of teeth, excessive salivation, tissue pigmentation, leukoplakia (white patches), ulceration of gingiva, palate and tongue, and burning sensation in mouth & throat.
- Gastrointestinal Effects – Gastrointestinal problems, abdominal cramps, constipation or diarrhea.
- Systemic Effects
- Cardiovascular – Feeble and irregular pulse, pain or pressure in chest, irregular heartbeat (tachycardia, pradycardia).
- Neurological – Ringing or noise in the ears, chronic or frequent headaches, fine tremors (hands, feet, lips, eyelids, tongue).
- Respiratory -Emphysema, persistent cough, shallow & irregular respiration.
- Immunological – Allergies, sinusitis asthma, rhinitis (inflammation of the nose), lymphadenopathy, especially cervical (neck).
- Endocrine – Subnormal temperature, excessive perspiration, cold, clammy skin, especially hands & feet.
- Others – Fatigue, joint pains, speech disorders, anemia, edema (swelling), bulemia, loss of weight, muscle weakness, yeast syndrome, myesthenia gravis, parkinson’s disease, alzheimer’s disease, learning disabilities, rheumatoid arthritis, dim or double vision, hypoxia (lack oxygen), lupus erythematosus, ankylosis spondylitis, loss of appetite (anorexia), multiple chemical sensitivities.
- Severe Cases – Hallucinations, manic depression, panic attacks, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Other Side Effects – Faintness, stiffness, eczema, tremors, nausea, weakness, weight loss, bloody vomit, cancer, birth defects, mottled teeth, loss of appetite, sores in the mouth; black tar like stools, stomach cramps or pain, pain and aching of bones, unusual increase in saliva; white, black or brown discoloration of teeth, osteoporosis & especially hip fractures in areas where water is fluoridated, aging, decreases the ability of the White Blood Cells (WBC) to phagocytes or destroy, bacteria & other foreign agents.

What are Fluorides?
Fluorides are organic and inorganic naturally occurring compounds that contain fluorine element. It is generally colorless, more or less soluble in water that either can take the form of solid, liquid and gas. Fluorides have large amount of usage in the chemical industry such as in the aluminum production, drinking water fluoridation and the manufacture of fluoridated dental preparations.How fluoride affects health?At high level, fluorides can result in tooth and bone damage. Excessive amount of fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis thus prevent the normal maturation of the enamel during the period of tooth development in children up to 8 years old. On severe cases it could also cause skeletal fluorosis which increased risk of bone fracture. Countries with high level of fluoride like Africa, China and India are very much prone to this condition.
Biological Dentistry Guidelines
Dentist trained in the pioneering field of biological dentistry are required to observe strict protocols on amalgam removal, extraction of dead tooth/teeth and surgery on bone cavitation especially on medically compromised patients, and in particular those who are suffering from cancer.
Actual Patient Case
Patient #9 – Female, 58 yrs. old
Complaints: Dark, inflamed, and painful legs (for 2 years)
Management: Removal of dead teeth, removal of amalgam (mercury) fillings, TMJ therapy, and denture fabrication using the safest biocompatible dental materials.

Patient #7 – Female, 58 yrs. old
Complaints: Bad bite, metals in the mouth, presence of dead teeth.
Management: Following the protocol of building-up the immune system through toxins removal in the mouth like dead teeth, metals, mercury fillings, correction of misaligned bite, Usage of most safest biocompatible dental materials.

- Treatment of my vertigo – thank God and my vertigo is gone since last year!
- Weight management – because of the process, I lost weight from 172 to as low as 140. This is the most significant change to me since last year. I lost weight the natural way. I regain my self-esteem and I am now confident of my physical appearance because I could wear what I want not like before. Thanks to Dr. Chavez and her competent staff!
I had suffered for more than 2 years from an incurable/chronic illness, which had baffled doctors, health-care practitioners and the like. My knee swelled, so with my left foot. I had lost weight tremendously – from 115lbs to 80lbs. I had tried everything getting the treatment from a hospital in Oman, acupuncture in Vietnam, healing retreat in India, traditional medicine in Vietnam and the Philippines. Finally, a doctor of naturopathy helped me feel better as I went into detoxification. Dr. Delia Patawaran helped me with my health maintenance, as well. I had a hair analysis and we were shocked to know that I had mercury poisoning. Dr. Patawaran concluded after examining my teeth that it was coming from my amalgam fillings. She brought me to Dr. Herminia P. Chavez, a well-known holistic dentist, who was heaven sent. I had the usual assessments, dental x-rays and the like. After going through a series of amalgam filling removal, root canal/tooth extraction, I felt like a new person. My limp was gone and my left foot got normalized. I regained my health, vibrancy and sense of well-being. My new set of dentures improved my looks as well.
Thanks, Dr. Chavez, for giving me a new life.
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